Tuesday 5 November 2013

Grand Finale

FINALLY, the end is near. Time flies when we're having fun, ya?

Hitherto, we are lead to discover the identities of the skeletal remains. When all investigations are done and dusted, we come to the conclusion that the three victims are

Herman Hartono, Adi Hartono and Anya Rosilawati.

Hope is all we can do. For every malevolent force, there is always a force of good, namely FORENSIC DENTIST!

Rather than shedding light on the mystery, this discovery only serves to add on to a perpetual list of questions. Is this a murder? If so, who is the killer? Are we looking at a one-off murder? Or the commencement of serial killings that is about to terrorize the town? What are the relations between the Hartonos and Anya? Why are they buried together?

You think this exercise is faux? Something fictitious like Criminal Minds, Sherlock Holmes?

There are a lot more mysteries in the real world than all the crime novels, dramas and films combined. You'll never know if you might be needed to identify your neighbor's burnt corpse. Touchwood! Let's hope that we wont have to use this exercise in practice.