Friday 4 October 2013

A question on counting? Or is it..

In question 3 we were asked , from the story above so far, how many victims are there? Explain.

Our immediate reaction was:

Eventually, we came up with an answer ….
We believe that there is at least one victim, which is likely to be a young male. But there is a strong possibility that there may be more than one victim.

How did we come up with this revolutionary answer? Well…

This is because this is what Dr. Rudi has deduced so far based on his identification of the remains

         Furthermore, there is insufficient information to deduce the number of victims for now as the bones that have been discovered are the ones that were dug up by the dog that was passing by with the jogger. And hence, it should be safe to assume that there may be more remains under the soil that haven’t been discovered yet at this point. This is because the remains have been there for at least a few months, and hence there’s a high possibility that there are more remains buried deeper within the soil.

         Lastly, the remains were also not found as a whole skeleton, but as parts, as example, parts of a skull were found instead of a whole skull, as well as a few pieces of jaw like structures resembling some teeth which may not necessarily originate from the same skull, hence indicating that there may be more than one victim. There are too many pieces of evidence that were found separately, and hence haven’t been put together at this point.


  1. innovative and interesting way of unfolding the investigation

  2. Try and narrow down your search with the evidences available
